Master of Research
Degree Level Research
Year 2025
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Degree Level Research
Year 2025
Program Code
AUD$ 34,400 per annum (per 1.0 EFTSL) for students enrolled in 2025
International Admission by Country
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See research areas (PDF)
Program level
Masters by research
12018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
2UNSTOPPABLE® is a Kellogg Company trade mark used under licence. Ranked #43, 2024 THE Young University Rankings.
UniSA research is inspired by the challenges and opportunities of today. In the 2018 Australian Research Council Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation of Australian universities, all of our assessed research was rated at world class or above. We are vibrant, outward-facing and responsive. We partner with industry, government and communities to seek answers to questions that arise in the real world.
Learn more about our research.
UniSA intends to deliver industry and end-user informed research that supports employer-relevant curriculum. To achieve this, and to produce entrepreneurial and business-aware graduates, we have developed the transformed PhD.
We have added a structured component to research degrees including enhanced skill development, supervisory panels and a technology-enabled oral defence of the thesis. Through these activities you will develop a set of professional, transferable skills relevant to our knowledge-based enterprise economy.
The aim of the transformed PhD is to increase your employment prospects in any career path. You will possess the knowledge, expertise and confidence to meet the emerging needs of academia, industry, government and the community.
Research students have the opportunity to complete exciting and innovative research in Education. We have a range of research communities that explore a diversity of fields within Education and a wide variety of research programs and projects.
Our research is facilitated by a range of different research communities, including:
You may choose to study an alternate subject matter that does not fit within these research communities. To do this you must find a suitable supervisor who specialises in this field.
A research higher degree will give you a competitive edge in the workplace. You may choose to pursue a career in academia, or in research with a research institution or university. Alternatively, you may choose to work in your chosen specialisation. For graduating students there are a range of employment options, including:
Advanced research experience may also be the gateway to the Australian Public Service or leading NGOs.
Before applying, you will need to do some investigation. Our step-by-step guide will take you through the process of preparing your application to maximise your chances of success.
Please check the research degrees calendar for all key dates.